Back to School · 31. August 2021
Welcome to these siblings.

Back to School · 29. August 2021
School is back and new students join.

Tino to plant a Tree 4 new classrooms
Fun Stuff · 14. August 2021
Tino about to plant a "Tropical Almond Tree" in honor of the two new classrooms!

Watercolor Fun
Fun Stuff · 10. July 2021
Saturday Manuela and Alex visited the school with some watercolors and especially the smaller kids enjoyed the face paintings. And the kids got to watch Emoji the animation movie with English subtitles.

Fun Stuff · 04. July 2021
Special treat for the kids, faculty and staff. Manuela and Alex sponsored fish for all on Sunday for Lunch. Together we enjoyed crispy fish and/or a delicious fish with a coconut sauce. accompanied by rice or Ugali, which is made of cornflower and water.

Donate with your Amazon Mobile App
Donate via Amazon Smile · 29. January 2021
Now besides also available on your mobile Amazon App, both Android and Apple.

Corona Pandemic · 04. January 2021
While after the first lockdown some kids came back to school in October 2020 we are so excited to have them all back, some had a ten month break and them as well are glad to meet with their friends back at school and eager to learn. We welcome them at their home away from home - Jambo!
Corona Pandemic · 22. December 2020
Kids are slowly leaving to go home for the holidays. We will miss them and are looking forward to have them back healthy in January 2021. Happy Holidays to all at Aid Kenya Watoto and Kidimu School for the Deaf.
Corona Pandemic · 01. October 2020
We are so excited to have the children come back to school. It was not so easy to stay in contact while they were at home as not all families have the technical ability to connect via a smart phone or computer. Regardless, we are excited to have them back and start using the new classrooms that we finished in June. Pretty sure they will be thrilled to be back as.
Construction Finished
Construction Update · 11. June 2020
While the children are still at home due to the pandemic, the construction of the two new classroom buildings was completed. This boosts the number of classrooms from two to six rooms. This will be such an improvement for the learning experience for all classes grades 1 through 8 once the children will return for their education. Many Thanks to all our supporters and generous donors to make this happen!

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